If one car brakes hard and two or three cars come in from behind, who is responsible for the sudden braking causing it to skid backwards?

Cars are an important means of transportation in life. After a traffic accident, most people are confused. After all, a sudden accident and emotional stress will make us think about what to do. Many car owners do not know what to do, especially in event of a collision of several cars from behind.

If one car brakes hard and two or three cars come in from behind, who is responsible for the sudden braking causing it to skid backwards?

The division of responsibility for a rear-end collision with one vehicle with sudden braking and two or three vehicles is determined in accordance with actual situation of traffic accident and certificate of responsibility for accident issued by traffic police. If vehicle ahead brakes hard for no reason and vehicle behind keeps a safe distance, then primary responsibility for a rear-end collision in this situation lies with vehicle in front. If this was due to an accident involving a third party that caused vehicle in front to brake suddenly resulting in a rear-end collision, third party bears primary responsibility and other persons bear secondary or irresponsible responsibility.

If one car brakes hard and two or three cars come in from behind, who is responsible for the sudden braking causing it to skid backwards?

Who is responsible for a rear-end collision during emergency braking? Regarding sudden braking of front car, if rear car keeps a safe distance and driver of rear car acts correctly, he can brake at a safe distance. Therefore, if a rear-end collision occurs in this case, it is usually determined that rear of vehicle is solely responsible. However, if a rear-end collision is caused by deliberate braking by driver in front, driver behind can provide hard evidence such as a traffic recorder to traffic police, then front driver of car is fully responsible.

If one car brakes hard and two or three cars come in from behind, who is responsible for the sudden braking causing it to skid backwards?

In following situations, vehicle involved in collision is not fully responsible

1. When a vehicle in front collided with a vehicle in rear as it turned around: The two vehicles were driving side by side and when they reached a point where they could turn around or turn around, they suddenly accelerated and made a U-turn ahead of them. In this case The owner of vehicle in front must bear all responsibility for accident.

2. Rear collision with line compaction: In this case, owner of compaction line violated traffic rules. As a rule, a collision caused by a traffic violation is fully responsible for violation.

If one car brakes hard and two or three cars come in from behind, who is responsible for the sudden braking causing it to skid backwards?
If one car brakes hard and two or three cars come in from behind, who is responsible for the sudden braking causing it to skid backwards?

3. Malicious Stopping or Intentional Deviation: If a rear-end collision is caused by a malicious stop or deviating from line, vehicle in front is at fault. Of course, it is assumed that there is evidence that car in front is a traffic jam, or car in front allows it.

4. Rear collision after overtaking a car from behind on right side: A rear collision caused by overtaking a car from behind on right side is not responsibility of rear car, but front car should be responsible. for a rear end.

If one car brakes hard and two or three cars come in from behind, who is responsible for the sudden braking causing it to skid backwards?

5. Sudden hard braking of vehicle in front: it is difficult to say what a rear-end collision caused by sudden braking of vehicle in front is, accidents happen. Although it is said that in many cases cars traveling on road cannot keep a sufficient distance, but if you want to prove that a rear-end collision was due to emergency braking of a vehicle in front, you need to provide evidence.