What to do if car ran out of gas halfway, study these points and drive a few more kilometers

Many car owners often forget to fill up their car while driving and only realize they didn't fill up beforehand when car ran out of gas halfway through. So question is, what do I do if my car runs out of gas halfway through? Do I need to wait for rescue on spot? Today, editor will give you some tips so that your car can save fuel and stick to gas stations.

What to do if car ran out of gas halfway, study these points and drive a few more kilometers

When a car runs out of gas halfway through, we can reduce fuel consumption in following ways. First of all, we must turn off all electrical equipment in car, such as air conditioners, car music and so on. Because when you are in car, in addition to providing power to car, you also need to power battery. If more electrical appliances on car are turned on, greater load on engine, more fuel it will consume. Therefore, when car runs out of gas, we must turn off these electrical appliances in time to reduce fuel consumption.

What to do if car ran out of gas halfway, study these points and drive a few more kilometers

Secondly, we must close windows and sunroof in time, because opening windows and sunroof while driving will increase drag coefficient of car, which means that car needs to use more power to overcome wind resistance, and fuel consumption of car will increase instantly. Therefore, when a car runs out of gas, everyone should close windows and sunroof as soon as possible to save fuel consumption.

What to do if car ran out of gas halfway, study these points and drive a few more kilometers

In addition, when car runs out of gas, we can also reduce fuel consumption by controlling speed of car. Since each car has its own economic speed, usually most economical speed of high emission vehicles is 50-70km/h, and most economical speed of low emission vehicles is 40-60km/h, you can choose according to moving your vehicle. Speed ​​control size to achieve the purpose of fuel saving.

What to do if car ran out of gas halfway, study these points and drive a few more kilometers

If you followed above steps, car will still not be able to get to gas station. At this time, first thing we should do is to choose a safe place to park car as soon as possible when fuel is about to run out, and don't forget to turn on double flashing lights and place a warning sign in form of a triangle behind. car. Then call insurance company and ask them to send gasoline. Typically, most insurance companies provide fuel delivery services and you only need to pay for gasoline.

What to do if car ran out of gas halfway, study these points and drive a few more kilometers

Some car owners don't want to ask insurance company to pay for gas when car runs out of gas, so they listen to so-called folk remedies and add water to gas, thinking it will make car run a little longer. The editors want to remind everyone that this recipe is not feasible! While adding water to fuel tank can indeed increase driving time of car, it is very bad for engine! Not only will this rust piston in engine cylinder, but it can also cause engine to drag cylinder, so everyone shouldn't risk car going a little longer or it won't be worth engine overhaul. candle.

What to do if car ran out of gas halfway, study these points and drive a few more kilometers

Despite fact that editor has told you how to deal with unexpected situations, such as when car runs out of gas halfway, it is important to always pay attention to condition of fuel tank and refuel in time. As a rule, when pointer is at a quarter of oil level gauge, you can proceed to refuel, firstly to prevent running out of gasoline halfway through, and secondly to protect oil pump. If car's fuel tank really runs out of fuel and then goes to refuel, damage to fuel pump will be very serious.