10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

Almost every car increases engine noise and vibration after long driving. What are loudest engine sounds for a long time? The engine is noisy after driving a car for a long time, but is such a problem necessarily completely unsolvable? What is problem with big noise and big vibration? Actually, it might not be difficult. Let's find out together.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

10 reasons why engine noise stays loud for a long time

1. Vibrate most pans glued to machine feet

While engine case will indeed wear out over years of use, and accuracy of various fits inside engine will decrease, this is far from level that will cause obvious vibration. Increased engine vibration, most often a problem with rubber feet.

The so-called engine foot adhesive, term is called engine shock absorber. In fact, these are several rubber gaskets between engine and metal frame. Since engine runs at high temperature for a long time, and rubber itself is very sensitive to high temperature, aging of rubber of machine support is inevitable. The aging rubber on legs of machine will harden, which will directly cause more engine vibration to be transmitted to cab. Of course, you will feel that engine becomes rough and noise increases and vibration increases.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

The solution is very simple: just replace camera feet. But for this kind of operation it is necessary to lift engine, you cannot do it yourself, you need to go to a workshop to do it, and due to need to lift engine, man-hours cost of replacing rubber footrest will be higher than general maintenance of engine.

2. Deflagration in cylinders, detonation

When detonation occurs, i.e. after flash of spark plug, combustible mixture at end spontaneously ignites. At this time, center of flame formed by spark plug that ignites mixture is opposite new center of flame formed by spontaneous combustion of final mixture The impact velocity spreads, creating a sharp knock which increases engine noise.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

3. Noise in cabin

Besides sound of engine, most common thing in older cars is all sorts of weird interior noises. Some sounds cannot be determined at all where they are. Most of these situations are caused by abnormal noise in cabin.

Why are there extraneous sounds in cabin? Maybe you should ask why interior doesn't rattle. The interior of a car is made up of many parts, including seats, various panels, various equipment, and various miscellaneous items. How are these things fixed? Basically, everything is fixed with screws or glue.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

The glue will harden after a long time, and after hardening, friction and sound will occur between parts. The place where screw is fixed will loosen after a long time, and if it is loosened, abnormal noise will be heard. The fact is that in principle there is no possibility of repairing an abnormal interior sound. Because among tens of thousands of screws it is impossible to find a screw with two abnormal sounds, and how to determine which screw and where glue is wrong?

4. This may be caused by soundproofing

If you can hear normal engine operation from outside car, but obviously feel noise is relatively loud after sitting in car, this means that soundproofing effect of car is problematic. As a rule, car seal ages, car seal can be strengthened, and then a particularly loud engine sound will not be heard.

5. Low vehicle coolant temperature

When car's coolant temperature is too low, engine noise will increase significantly. At this time, you should check vehicle's coolant as soon as possible to determine if it needs to be replaced.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

6. Valve leakage

The sound of air leaking from valve chamber is heard. It is more noticeable at high load and low speed. The sound gets louder as load increases. The main reason is that when valve seat is reamed, it is due to improper operation or excessive wear of inner hole of valve guide, so that valve seat is tilted or valve clearance is small, resulting in valve ablation, resulting in valve looseness and air leakage. Remove cylinder head, lap valve, check valve spring force and adjust valve clearance from beginning.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

7. Car shock absorber problem

Everyone knows function of a shock absorber. As a rule, we can feel if shock absorber on car is working when passing a speed bump. When there is a problem with shock absorber on car, engine noise will be a loud problem. The shock absorber of car is mainly reflected in bad road section of car, and at this time, shock absorber will play an important role. If car's shock absorber does not work well when driving through a bumpy road, then something is wrong with shock absorber, and the engine will also make noise.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

8. There is soot in car

Old motor oil usually thins out with use, so there will be more and more soot during this time. Because when engine oil is relatively thin, it is easy to cause oil leakage and there will be more soot. Therefore, when car is replaced with new oil, engine cannot adapt well to new oil, and engine noise becomes loud.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

9. Increased wind noise? Check door seals!

The door seals are most likely to blame for increased wind noise. The reason is simple: one of main functions of a door seal is to seal car and prevent excess wind noise from entering cabin. The door sealing tape is also made of rubber, and after a long time it will harden, after hardening, of course, it will not be able to stop air leakage.

So what to do? This is a relatively easy fix. To determine which side of door is making loudest wind noise, simply replace all of door seals on that side. If you have time, you can even take a day off and immediately replace all sealing strips on all doors of entire car.

But there's a certain chance that wind noise is still that loud after replacing it, it's very likely that sound deadening adhesive has hardened in places like wheel arches, engine bay firewalls or trunks and it's hard for you to replace those places yourself. If it’s completely unbearable, then you can only go to a car service for soundproofing.

10. The engine oil was not changed on time/the viscosity of engine oil is too high

As we all know, viscosity of engine oil should not be too high when engine is started in a cold state or in low temperature conditions; The viscosity of engine oil should not be too low when engine is fully warmed up. to normal operating temperature. If either of these two situations occurs, it can cause a number of problems such as increased engine noise and insufficient power. The reasons for these two problems are as follows:

1. Untimely change of engine oil: regular mineral engine oil needs to be changed after 5,000 km, and better quality fully synthetic engine oil after 10,000 km. Top up oil early and make it a habit to check oil level frequently.

2. The engine oil label is incorrect: The engine oil label is same as original engine oil. Remember not to add different engine oil labels by accident because different engine oil labels mean different oil viscosity and your engine is not suitable for that oil viscosity. Too lean or too thick oil will result in louder engine noise.

10 reasons why engine is noisy for a long time What to do if engine is noisy after a long drive?

The above are 10 reasons why long engine noise gets louder, which editor briefly shared with friends today. Guys, do you think engine makes noise after driving? car for a long time?What to do? Have you acquired any knowledge in this area? Today, the car editor has introduced so much car knowledge in a nutshell. If you want to learn more about cars, pay attention to this site. Let's discuss car knowledge with car editor.