How to add water to a glass, are you adding it correctly?

I believe all car owners will add glass water to their car, so do you really understand what glass water is? How do you choose and add water to a glass? In daily maintenance of your car, glass water is easiest to ignore. Today we will talk about how to choose and add water to a glass.

How to add water to a glass, are you adding it correctly?

Currently, there are two types of glass water in auto parts retail market in my country:

The first type is for daily use, contains neutral cleaning fluid ingredients, and also adds shellac ingredients, which can quickly clean stains on glass, reduce formation of an oil film on car glass, and quickly remove bumps on glass. windshield, mirrors, flying insects on front bumper, methanol-free, harmless to paint, chrome, rubber and plastic.

The second type is a special type of antifreeze that guarantees that it will not freeze even at minus 40°C and is suitable for use in severe cold regions in very north of our country. On Central Plains, use first kind of glass water.

How to add water to a glass, are you adding it correctly?

Definition and composition of automotive glass water: “The so-called glass water is general name for a car windshield washer fluid. It refers to consumables when using cars. High quality car windshield water is mostly water. , alcohol, ethylene glycol, corrosion inhibitors, and various surfactants. Water from a car windshield is commonly known as glass;

The gap between tap water and glass water: The water in glass water is filtered, it is more pure than tap water, not to mention that tap water is relatively hard, which easily causes calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate to accumulate. (look at scale on bottom of your kettle, this is a buildup of calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate caused by tap water) Imagine that after these chemicals were used in tap water for a long time, they would block water spout like rocks!

How to add water to a glass, are you adding it correctly?

In addition, impurities in normal tap water increase friction between glass surface and wiper, which permanently scratches glass. Moreover, tap water can only simply wash away dust, and cannot thoroughly wash off dirt and insect corpses that have stuck to car windows.

How to add water to a glass, are you adding it correctly?

Glass water has another function that is incomparable to tap water or tap water with detergent, and that is protective effect on windshield wiper strip. Our windshield wiper strips are made of rubber or silicone. If they are frequently "soaked" in tap water or tap water with detergent, strips will harden and age and fail to clean, speeding up replacement. Honestly, everyone can figure out which is more affordable, cost of a set of wipers or cost of a glass of water.

How to add water to a glass, are you adding it correctly?

Also, if glass water is not antifreeze, it will condense at low temperatures. Water expands when it freezes. The water tank in a car is sealed. Freezing water in water tank can cause tank or pipes to burst. Therefore, in winter, it is usually necessary to replace antifreeze with a low freezing point. The freezing point of glass water in different regions can be roughly referred to above figure.

How to add water to a glass, are you adding it correctly?

However, usefulness of tap water cannot be completely denied. You should know that in an era when Poussin was still everywhere, tap water was still used as an emergency coolant, and luxury car owners even added detergent to it. But emergency gang is an emergency, not a replacement. After all, water in a glass is antifreeze, but can tap water be antifreeze?