Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

When buying a used car, 100,000 kilometers in three years is relatively long, while 50,000 kilometers in six years is relatively short. Which one to choose? The price is about same. Today I will share my opinion with you, hoping to help you.

Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

The condition and mileage of cars are about same, younger better

Cars are a bit like people. When we were 20 years old, our life was not very healthy, and various functions of our body at night were better than those of 50-year-olds, because people also get old if they sit on them. not moving.

If two cars are in same condition and mileage isn't much different, age limit has more of an impact than mileage, meaning younger age, better.

100,000 km in three years is equivalent to driving more than 33,000 km per year. For a car, this frequency of use is not low, but is also within normal range. Compare.

Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

The car is in good condition and can be expected to last a long time

There is another situation where car is 6 years old and has only 50,000 miles. If original owner values ​​the car very much and maintains it very well.

Every day on road you have to pick up various cosmetics, cleaning and oil changes. This is also worth buying, although a car with a mileage of 50,000 km in six years will have relatively less wear and tear.

At end of day, there are few cars, but many small problems, and various states of aging will appear. When you buy a whole car, you need to carry out maintenance and repairs to confirm aging of parts.

Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

How does age and mileage affect a car?

The bottom line is that today we are talking about age limit, that is, age of car and mileage. What effect does it have on car?

Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

Leaving car for a long time can have adverse effects

For a used car, most important thing is not age or mileage, but condition of car. Mileage and age are only auxiliary data that help us judge whether a car is in good or bad condition.

Long year and low mileage, which means car is usually driven less and left for a long time. If it stays in car for a long time, it can also have adverse effects.

Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

Engine may be rusty and rubber parts age

After turning off engine, all oil in engine will drain into oil pan after four hours. If vehicle is not driven for several weeks, metal surface of engine will not be protected by oil.

If natural oxidation is not done well, it will rust. Let's go to a certain house to search a lot. Iron and aluminum engines can also have some problems.

Not only other car engine parts, but especially rubber parts will age. As a rule, they begin to age after more than five years, become hard and even fall off.

Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

High mileage vehicles have more severe engine damage

Vehicles with short lifespans and high mileage need to be used frequently, so oil is unlikely to fall off, it's oxidation or something.

But engine loss will be more serious, service life will be relatively shorter than before, car chassis is more likely to become loose, and connecting rod bearings on chassis will rise and fall for a long time. every day.

A spring will lose elasticity even if it is pulled 10,000 times. If you wear shoes and walk a lot, your forefoot will come off or shoe itself will deform. The reason is same, but wear and tear will be greater.

Which is more important: years or mileage?

Years are more important than miles

Let's go back and talk about years and mileage. What's more important? I have to make a decision, don't just talk about things that have nothing to do with you.

Personally, in terms of car age and mileage, influence of age is greater than mileage. The main thing, firstly, is that actual life of car is long, and impact of mileage is actually relatively small.

Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

Real life of auto parts is long

The service life of engine, chassis, suspension, gearbox and other components is affected by mileage of car, more wear is naturally consumed, but parts of car just mentioned have a very long service life.

In our country, there is a rule according to which vehicle must be disposed of if its mileage exceeds 600,000 kilometers. That is, if you insist on not listening, you can keep going.

600,000 km, then you say buy a 6-year-old car for 100,000 km, and there are still 500,000 km of run ahead, problem is not big.

Often running at high speed does not lead to big losses

A vehicle with a short lifespan and high mileage is likely to travel long distances frequently, and current road conditions are much better than before.

In 1999, there were 10,000 km of roads in our country, and by last year - 130,000 km.

Long distance running is mostly on freeway. Seems like a lot of mileage. In fact, running on freeway saves fuel and car, and losses are not so big. So running won't make people so confused, and impact isn't so obvious.

Mileage is easy to change

Another point is that in this car circle, especially in the used car circle, there are people like Lu Benwei who drive 50/50 and they want to drive plug-ins.

The odometer of this used car is adjustable. Basically, people in this business can regulate it.

Choose age and mileage of a used car, which is better, 100,000 km in 3 years or 50,000 km in 6 years?

Vehicle age limit cannot be changed

After 6 years, after driving 200,000 km, it will immediately adjust to 10,000 km. Nobody will believe, right? People may have driven too much at 400,000 km, and you will fit it under 200,000 km. Do you think? hard to defend against.

That is, it is used as a reference and its accuracy and validity are not as reliable as age of vehicle.

Anyway, driving book says it's only a few years old, there's no way to cheat at all, and it's relatively more reliable.

Annual depreciation is stronger than mileage

The other is depreciation from a monetary point of view. The most common calculation method is ten-year depreciation, which is more common.

For a 100,000 RMB car, depreciation rate is 15% per year for first three years, and then 10% per year starting from fourth year. This depreciation method is used for calculation.

Mostly, impact on price of a car is about 2,000 yuan if you calculate it based on a car worth 100,000 yuan.

Annual inspection of a long-lived car is more of a hassle

Then country has to consider another issue, that is, cars for six years pass inspection every two years, and there is no need to go for inspection.

In six years, it will be even more troublesome, and number of visits will be greater, and screening queue will be launched, which means a long queue or something.

A car with a short year and high mileage is better

So in general, if I choose myself, I will still choose a car with a relatively short year, that is, a car with a relatively young age, a little more mileage will not be a big problem.

But there is a premise that car is in good condition, there will be no accidents and unrepaired problems, because cost of maintaining car is relatively high.