30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"


A few days ago, Superman told everyone about car maintenance and everyone said it was very helpful. However, due to lack of time, last time we did not talk about tires, today we will talk about situation with car tires.

Before you pay attention to tires, first subscribe to me! 30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

As we all know, tires are an important and most vulnerable part of a car. So question is~

[Question 1: How long does it take to change tires? 】

[Superman Answer] Under normal conditions, tire life is 3 years or 60,000 kilometers, but it should also be taken into account in a real situation. If you drive less and park in covered (underground) parking lots and your tires are confiscated and exposed to sun, your tires may last a little longer. However, for safety reasons, it is recommended not to exceed 5 years.

30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

You can get a sun protection car cover to protect your car in all directions

[Question 2: Can a tire be used if it has small cracks? 】

[Superman Answer] It works! Although cracks in a tire are said to indicate that tire plastic has already aged, aging does not mean that it is completely unusable. Under normal circumstances, it can still be used for a certain period of time.

However, it should be noted that now performance of all aspects of tire has already been reduced, and the grip is not as good as it used to be. If you encounter extreme conditions, stability may be affected.

30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

Riding such a tire at high speed is risky, and at any time there is a possibility that tire will burst. It is recommended to replace it with a new one in time to eliminate a potential safety hazard.

[Question 3: The tire is punctured, can it be used all time after repair? 】 30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

[Superman Answer] Tires that take a long time to repair can be temporarily used under normal circumstances. However, under extreme loads, endurance of a punctured tire will definitely decrease compared to what it used to be.

30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

In addition, it is very important that if there are three or more holes in one tire, it is highly recommended to replace it, sooner better!

[Question 4: How to decide if a tire needs to be replaced? 】

[Superman's response] If following conditions occur, tire can be replaced

1. Tire wear reaches wear mark. The height of wear mark of ordinary car tires is 1.6 mm, and when groove depth reaches 1.6 mm, it must be replaced.

30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

2. If tire is partially inflated, it must be replaced. If you continue driving, there is a high risk of explosion!

3. The side of tire is damaged, it does not need to be repaired, it is usually replaced immediately.

30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

4. Too many repairs and tire strength is not suitable for road conditions

[Question 5: How to maintain tires to extend their life? 】

[Superman Answers] The best service method is 6 words, but a lot of people can't do it. A simple rule: "ride less, do not expose to sun." It is very difficult? Just kidding, here are some tricks you can teach

First trick: control speed of car.

When vehicle speed is too high, internal temperature of tire will rise, which will accelerate wear of tire, and in severe cases, cause tire to deform.

30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

In addition to recording condition of car, motion recorder can also serve as a reminder so you don't drive too fast

Second trick: keep an eye on your tire pressure.

Tire pressure is air pressure in tires. Because each tire will have its own tire pressure standard when it is manufactured, too high or too low tire pressure will affect tire life.

30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

If tire pressure is too high, contact surface between tread and ground will be reduced, resulting in mid-acceleration wear and easy to blow out, especially in summer.

The tire pressure is low, contact surface between tread and ground increases, sidewalls of tire will flex excessively, tire will be severely deformed while driving, and damage to cord inside tire will worsen. It's called "tire chafing" in jargon.

The standard tire pressure of our car tires is 2.5, and there is no problem with 0.2 fluctuation. If car has a tire pressure sensor, it is recommended to pay attention to tire pressure in time. words are sorted out in time.

The third measure: good driving habits.

The most direct influence on tires is personal driving style. Tire life varies from person to person because everyone's driving style is different. The habits that cause most damage to tires are: starting off, braking hard, turning steering wheel in place, entering and exiting curbs, not slowing down on bumpy roads, and not being able to clear gravel on tires while driving. time

30-year-old driver talks about tires "Appendix: Tire Service Manual"

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