Which is better, wide tires or narrow tires, repairman will tell you answer

Nowadays more and more people have their own cars, but there are still many people who don't know much about cars and don't know how to choose when buying a car. For example, what is better, wide tires or narrow, most people do not know at all. Today editor will tell you about advantages and disadvantages of wide and narrow tires, after reading it, you will understand which tire is better.

Which is better, wide tires or narrow tires, repairman will tell you answer

Wide tires mean more ground contact area, stronger grip and better driving stability. Does this mean that wider tires, better driving performance of car? Actually, no. Since wider tire, greater frictional resistance created, not only will there be a lot of noise from tires when driving, but there will also be high fuel consumption.

Which is better, wide tires or narrow tires, repairman will tell you answer

The advantages of narrow tires are exactly same as disadvantages of wide tires. Since tires are narrower, acceleration will feel lighter and fuel consumption will be lower. However, stability of narrow tires is not as good as wide tires, if you brake hard in an emergency, braking distance will be longer, which makes car owner feel insecure. However, there are still many car owners who are chasing sportiness, that is, high-speed performance, and prefer narrow tires.

Which is better, wide tires or narrow tires, repairman will tell you answer

In general, wide and narrow tires have their advantages and disadvantages. When choosing tires or changing tires, you still have to proceed from characteristics of vehicle itself. If performance of car itself is not strong enough, driving performance of car cannot be improved after changing to wide tires, but it will increase load on car. Switching to narrower tires can cause tires to fail under vehicle's pressure and burst, with catastrophic consequences.

Which is better, wide tires or narrow tires, repairman will tell you answer

So, when we change car tires, what else should we pay attention to besides tire width? First of all, when we change tires, we need to change both of them together. If we change only one tire when changing tires, left and right tires will be new and old, which will easily lead to direction deviation. Moreover, changing only one tire is more likely to cause car to spin when cornering, which is very dangerous. And replacing two at once can make car more stable, thereby increasing safety of vehicle.

Which is better, wide tires or narrow tires, repairman will tell you answer

Secondly, when we change tires, there is no need to change "original factory tires". The word "original plant" does not refer to automaker's own production or may be recycled by other recycling plants. If you want to replace tires of same type as original factory ones, we can just buy them from side and price will be much cheaper. And for ordinary family cars, there are enough tires in sufficient quantities, and there is no need to choose original ones.

If you want to improve performance of your tires, you can spend some time on it and choose performance tires. In addition, when we change tires, we must also pay attention not to install them backwards. If tires are installed backwards, it will affect grip and drainage of tires, which is a great threat to our driving safety.

Which is better, wide tires or narrow tires, repairman will tell you answer

Maintenance and replacement of car tires is a university issue. When you service and change tires in future, you should learn more and ask more questions.