What causes misfiring and shaking car engine? what to do

An engine misfiring jitter is mainly caused by abnormal combustion. The causes of engine misfiring jitter are usually: a malfunction, such as a failure of ignition module, etc.; intake and exhaust problems, mostly caused by valve ablation; reason for lack of a cylinder is more complicated. From ignition system, to, and even computer's self-learning function, it can cause misfires. What to do if engine stalls and shakes? The following editor will tell you how to fix misfiring and engine shaking. Check condition of spark plug

You can judge whether gas mixture burns well by watching spark plugs in game. If spark plugs of a certain cylinder are clearly different from others, then misfire vibration is caused by this cylinder.

What causes misfiring and shaking car engine? what to do

Check for line problems

If a cylinder on car is on, but car can run normally without obvious vibrations, then you can suspect that malfunction is caused by car's wiring harness. The car's wiring harness can be shaken by hand. observe engine running status to find location of failure.

What causes misfiring and shaking car engine? what to do

Check ignition coil

If ignition coil or high-voltage wire fails, vehicle may catch fire. When removing, carefully observe for damage or leaks. If you are not sure, you can try a new one.

What causes misfiring and shaking car engine? what to do

Removing carbon deposits in an engine cylinder

During operation of engine, carbon deposits will form. If there is a lot of carbon deposits on piston or valve, valve will not close tightly, compression ratio will decrease, and car will vibrate and malfunction lamp will light up. You can try to remove carbon deposits in cylinder without disassembly. If fire is caused only by soot, then you can use this method to repair car.

What causes misfiring and shaking car engine? what to do

Injector test

You can tell if a fuel injector is bad by looking at spark plug head. If conditions permit, you can also use a fuel injector tester to determine if it is good or not.

What causes misfiring and shaking car engine? what to do

Check with diagnostic equipment

The vehicle currently has an OBD interface. In event of a fault, you can first use a diagnostic tool to read fault code to help technician quickly locate the fault. The diagnostic tool is only an aid and cannot be fully relied upon.

What causes misfiring and shaking car engine? what to do

Engine overhaul

If vehicle's operating conditions are poor and vehicle cannot be serviced in a timely manner, resulting in irreparable cylinder failure, only way to fix misfire problem is to overhaul engine.

What causes misfiring and shaking car engine? what to do

Okay, that's end of misfiring and engine vibration problem presented to you today. I wonder if you have a deeper understanding of misfiring and engine vibration troubleshooting after listening to introduction? hope this can help us. If you want to know more, come and take a look, you are welcome here!