The more engine oil added, better Pay attention to these 7 details when caring for your car in winter!

The more oil you add, better

When winterizing a car, adding more engine oil is not best solution. There is a standard for adding engine oil. It should be noted that if you add too few bearings and engine journals, poor lubrication will occur. If you add too much, engine will also suffer from failure of burning oil. Therefore, car owner is recommended to control oil level between upper and lower engraved lines of dipstick when adding oil.

The more engine oil added, better Pay attention to these 7 details when caring for your car in winter!

Don't leave your car idle

The surface of transmission parts such as car engines and gearboxes will rust because they are often in direct contact with air. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, it is best for car owners to let car run for 30-40 minutes every few days. It is also a good care method.

Shovel snow in time in winter

After snow falls, a lot of snow will fall on car body, as well as on road. If it is not cleaned in time, it will seriously affect driving safety. Fix this so you don't have to worry about frost and ice on your windshield next morning.

Remove Fog

The most common winter driving problem is fogging of windows inside car, which obscures driver's vision and poses hidden dangers to driving safety. At this time, put temperature knob to warm air position, and purpose of both anti-fogging and heating can be achieved.

The more engine oil added, better Pay attention to these 7 details when caring for your car in winter!

Clean heating and cooling ducts

When driving in winter, windows are usually closed, and heating and cooling ducts are only way to bring air inside and outside car. Cleaning heating and cooling ducts is not only hygienic, but also reduces volatile odor of interior materials. In weather with a suitable temperature, it is also necessary to open windows correctly for ventilation.

Check tires

In winter, rubber becomes hard and brittle, which not only reduces coefficient of friction, but is also more prone to air leakage and tire seizure than in other seasons. Inclusions in tread pattern should be cleaned frequently and heavily worn tires should be avoided. It is best to have four tires of same make, pattern and specification. Air pressure is low in winter, so tires must be fully inflated to prevent punctures.

Prevent paint scratches

In winter, frost and snow accumulate on surface of car body, and aggressive chemicals mixed into it can damage paintwork, so car should be washed in a timely manner. Choose sunny weather for car washing, preferably with a breeze, to avoid freezing water on car body. At same time, scratches caused by deposits in cloth should be avoided.

The more engine oil added, better Pay attention to these 7 details when caring for your car in winter!

Antifreeze should be changed every two years

Since shelf life of antifreeze is usually two years, expired antifreeze will cause engine block corrosion and even serious engine damage. Also, freezing point of antifreeze is usually around -25°C. If you are going to a colder place, you will need to switch to antifreeze with a lower freezing point.

Replenish battery electrolyte in time

In low temperature conditions, battery capacity is much lower than in normal temperature. Therefore, in winter, you should replenish battery electrolyte in time, clean battery terminals at same time, and apply special protective grease to extend battery life. If vehicle is left outdoors for several weeks without use, battery should be removed to prevent damage to battery from freezing.