You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.

I often get similar questions from car enthusiasts: How to look at used cars? How to identify a car accident, a wet car? It must be said that there are many ways to look at a car. Today I will teach you a quick and effective way to look at a car. Suitable for beginners to buy a car and inspect car. Just look at 5 screws!

You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.

What is an emergency vehicle

In used car industry, there is only one definition of a car that has been in an accident: accident affects safety or performance of car. Don't be like a familiar car who once sent me a private message that his car was scratched (I saw photo, it's a small scratch) and now it's an accident (his original words), and asked what should Yes? How much do you want him to pay? This is not an emergency vehicle.

You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.

Is method for identifying 5 screws reliable?

As I said at beginning, it's fast and efficient, suitable for beginners. This method can weed out some quality cars in good condition, but for beginners, it's better to kill a thousand by mistake than miss one, at least you can't buy a crash car, it's so simple and rude.

Let's get down to business:

1. Machine Cover Screw Identification

Starting at front of car, open hood and go straight to hood screws. The engine cover screws are all painted. Since damage was found on painted surface of screw, then most likely cover was disassembled, and there should be a story in it! Think about who will disassemble or change cover for no reason! (A simple egg hurts)

During use of conventional vehicles, only when cover is deformed due to a collision, cover needs to be removed for repair. Small scratches do not need to be removed at all, just spray paint directly. The disassembly and assembly of machine shell proves that bearing surface is large and should be repaired with sheet metal or replaced by machine shell. At this time, you need to pay attention!

You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.
You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.

2. Designation of water tank frame screws

In hindsight, there are two types of water tank frame connection: solder connection and screw connection. If it's former, don't worry, just look at mounting screws on tank frame, headlights, etc. If screws don't show signs of movement, then problem is not serious and chance of an accident is very small.

It should be noted that since headlight screws sometimes need to be moved when changing accessories, so this is not main focus, here we mainly consider water tank frame screws.

You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.

3. Designation of engine base screws

Concentrate! The engine base screw is screw that secures engine to stringer. This is a very important thing, and purpose of disassembly is nothing more than:

①Accident requires stringer service (the accident was serious and car that hit stringer almost completely lost its front end)

②Engine maintenance or overhaul

③Replace scratching post

It's usually easy to tell if it's screwed on or not and see if there's a (black) mark.

You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.

4. Door screw identification

As in previous paragraphs, it is usually not necessary to disassemble door for repair if there is a small scratch. Only in case of a large collision should it be removed or replaced. Therefore, door screws are also a criterion. to evaluate a car accident.

It's easy to tell if paint door screws have been moved or not. For some Japanese cars without paint, it depends on presence of a black mark.

You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.
You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.

5. Tailgate screw identification

When you approach rear of car, in event of a rear-end crash, impact can be strong enough to damage trunk lid. All same phrase - small scratches do not need to be disassembled.

You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.
You can tell if a used car is an emergency vehicle by looking at 5 screws.


By checking above 5 screws, you can form a general opinion about car that was in an accident. Follow instructions which are more accurate. Generally, a car that has not been affected by these 5 screws can be considered relatively tall. - high-quality car. Of course, method is simple and rough, which is easy to distinguish, and it may accidentally damage a good used car, but for friends who want to buy a used car, but are not sure, it's better to be careful From this point of view, "five screw identification methods" is not very good way.

These are just some of basic identification methods, and you can't rely entirely on five screws to identify used cars, because now used car dealers really have a lot of tricks and there will be various ways to trick your eyes. So it would be safer to bring a master with you .