Should I buy a black car or a white car? It turns out that gap is so big

With development of automobile industry, current automobile industry is very diversified. Not only are there various models, but also various colors for everyone to choose from! However, in our country, most common car colors are black and white. Many people will choose these two colors when buying a car. So which is better - a black car or a white one? I don't know if I don't see it, but gap between them is so big!

When buying a car, many people have already chosen model and equipment, but there is one point that confuses people a lot, which is color of car, especially color between black and white, which is very troublesome. . Because there are a lot of black and white cars all over city. Today let's take a look at pros and cons of black and white cars.

Should I buy a black car or a white car? It turns out that gap is so big

First of all, let's talk about most popular black color. Compared with white cars, black cars seem more mature and stable, have a stronger business atmosphere, many men like this color, and texture looks more prominent. Although color is popular, feeling is still different. Let's talk about white cars. White cars seem to be more suitable for family cars. The overall look is not as calm as black, and it's slightly less atmospheric, but has a milder flavor in comparison. From point of view of visual assessment, volume of entire car seems to be slightly larger than that of black one!

Should I buy a black car or a white car? It turns out that gap is so big

The following editor will use a comparison method so that everyone knows difference between a white car and a black car

Firstly, in terms of accident rate

First, it's number of stories. According to statistics, black cars are more likely to cause accidents than white cars, because black cars do not reflect light well at night, and white cars reflect much more than black cars. .Therefore, black cars are much more likely to crash at night than white cars!

Should I buy a black car or a white car? It turns out that gap is so big

Secondly, in terms of protection against dirt and scratches

Many people buy black cars to be more resistant to dirt, but after buying them, they find that black cars are less resistant to dirt than white cars! If there are scratches or dust on body of a black car, it's easy to spot, but if it's a white or gray car, it's not so easy to spot!

Should I buy a black car or a white car? It turns out that gap is so big

3. Judging by absorption of heat in summer

It's already stuffy inside car in summer. If you buy a black car, then temperature inside car will be higher, because black absorbs heat better than white, so if you don't want to be hot in summer, then buying is not recommended. Black car is like buying a crime!

Should I buy a black car or a white car? It turns out that gap is so big

Fourthly, in terms of visual effects

In terms of visuals, a white car looks bigger than a black car, while a black car looks slimmer and thinner. If you are buying a small car, don't choose a black car. your car looks bigger!

Should I buy a black car or a white car? It turns out that gap is so big

Of course, white cars have their downsides, such as being easy to attract birds and droppings, but in general, white cars have more advantages than black ones! However, as they say, turnips and greens have their own preferences, just like when buying a car: you can buy any color, you don’t have to think much, just rejoice!