When washing car, these places must be dried, otherwise the loss will be large

In modern world, we can say that air environment is getting worse and worse. When it rains or snows, it is usually not so clean! Therefore, in response to this situation, we also pay attention to car washing. In addition, editors would like to remind everyone that when washing a car, these places must be dried.

Time to wash car is special

After rain and snow, road surface is very dirty, especially after snow, road is sprinkled with an anti-icing agent. De-icers are chemicals that corrode chassis and vehicle paintwork.

Rainwater is basically acid rain, containing more sulfur elements that corrode painted surface. After rain stops, you should go to car wash as soon as possible to avoid secondary damage to paintwork by rain.

Wipe your wipers dry

When wiper washes car, it is best to leave car glass. When putting it back, be sure to dry rubber strip, otherwise rubber strip and car glass will stick together, affecting use.

When washing car, these places must be dried, otherwise the loss will be large

Don't forget to dry your car door

If door seam is not wiped clean, water droplets will seep in and may cause door to freeze. Especially in cold weather lately, it is not easy to solve problem after car door is frozen.

When washing car, these places must be dried, otherwise the loss will be large

Wipe keyhole dry

Many people now use remote control to unlock door, but there are also cars that open door with a key. It happens that remote control fails, and even rely on key. But if keyhole is not wiped dry, it will freeze...

When washing car, these places must be dried, otherwise the loss will be large

Washing your car with hot water is actually not good

Cars are different from people, taking a "hot bath" does not always give a good effect. Especially in winter, because surface temperature of car is very low, when temperature is too high, thermal expansion and contraction occurs. The paintwork of car is very vulnerable to damage and small cracks appear. Some friends also reported that glass might even break.

So I advise everyone, when washing a car, water temperature and temperature outside should not differ much!