Do I need to turn on "AC button" to turn on heater? Many car owners make mistake of using warm air...

It's not yet season to turn on air conditioner, and warm air is still needed, so do I need to turn on "AC button" to turn on warm air? Many car owners are mistaken. Thus, warm air is used to heat and prevent fogging. Everyone has very different opinions on this matter. Someone says that you need to drive, someone says that you don’t. do not have to worry about using car in future. First of all, let's talk about AC switch. This is switch that controls air conditioning compressor. After it is turned on, a signal is sent to compressor. If there is no special situation, compressor will start working and cooling. The compressor will also stop. This compressor can only cool, not heat. While it works, it cools. This is different from air conditioner in home, that is, AC is cooling switch.

Do I need to turn on "AC button" to turn on heater? Many car owners make mistake of using warm air...

In this way, hot air of air conditioner does not need a compressor to work. The car can completely warm up car by waste heat generated by engine. In our daily life, we often see that many people not only turn on temperature The adjustment is very high, but button The AC is on. Actually, it is a big waste. It has no effect and consumes a lot of fuel. If we get caught in rain or snow while driving, temperature inside and outside car will be separated a lot. Sometimes we find that our car glass will fog up soon what should we do at this time?

Do I need to turn on "AC button" to turn on heater? Many car owners make mistake of using warm air...

Many people think that warm air should be turned off when there is fogging on glass. Actually this is a misunderstanding. They think that warm air is root of fogging, so they turn off warm air and turn on cold air to eliminate fogging. In fact, this is very wrong. Using cold air to eliminate fogging is only temporary, and warm air can evaporate fog, so that there will be no re-fogging, which can not only solve problem of fogging, but also keep warm. The air coming out of wind can blow on windshield, which is actually very simple, and some people say that using warm air will increase fuel consumption ? This is also not true: we know that warm air is only heated by engine's thermal cycle, so there is no such thing as an increase in fuel consumption.

Do I need to turn on "AC button" to turn on heater? Many car owners make mistake of using warm air...

A last word for everyone: In a car with heater turned on, it's best not to smoke or eat irritating food, because after heater is turned on, car becomes an enclosed space, plus Warm and humid air can easily breed bacteria. If you do this for a long time , mold may appear in some places of car. In fact, whether it is turning on air conditioner or heater, smoking in car is uncivilized behavior, and smoke will stick to it. Bacteria easily multiply on surface of air conditioner evaporator over time, causing discomfort to human body and other situations. Also, turn off heater when parking for a long time. Try not to sleep in car with heater on, because carbon monoxide poisoning is very easy.