Car sunroof needs maintenance?Introduction to sunroof maintenance method

Does sunroof need maintenance? Some car owners really asked this question. Of course, sunroof of car also needs regular maintenance. I believe that many car owners do not know how to maintain sunroof. The following editor will briefly introduce how to maintain sunroof.

Car sunroof needs maintenance?Introduction to sunroof maintenance method

How often should sunroof be serviced?

After using skylight for a period of time, a lot of dust accumulates in rails and gaps. If not cleaned regularly, it will damage parts of skylight. As a general rule, a skylight should clean up after two to three months of use. Use clean water, rinse it a little, after drying, you can apply some lubricating oil

Manhole maintenance should not be ignored at least once every six months to effectively avoid or delay occurrence of failures.

Car sunroof needs maintenance?Introduction to sunroof maintenance method

An introduction to skylight maintenance

1. Fully open sunroof.

2. Take a clean soft cloth and gently wipe dust on sunroof rail.

3. Lubricate moving parts and sliding tubes of sunroof.

In addition to cleaning sealing strips, sunroof rails also need maintenance. As time of use increases, dust will enter sunroof guides. It is best to clean them every year and apply grease to sunroof guides. sliding rails. Prevents sunroof rails from binding.

Car sunroof needs maintenance?Introduction to sunroof maintenance method

4. Fully open and close sunroof several times, then wipe off excess grease with a soft cloth.

Car sunroof needs maintenance?Introduction to sunroof maintenance method

Alright folks, today I've introduced you to many manhole maintenance techniques. You know something about it! I hope that a brief introduction to car editor will help most car lovers. If you want to know more about cars, follow this site and you won't get lost!