Car Repair Knowledge Encyclopedia Car Repair Basic Knowledge

In fact, basic knowledge of car repair is not difficult at all. Car owners know more or less a little about auto repair, and future car owners who are going to buy a car will consciously complement this skill. Their knowledge is limited unless they attend vocational schools. Today, editor promotes basic knowledge of car maintenance for all car owners.

Introduction to car maintenance

1. Check parts of car that are susceptible to moisture: such as distributors, spark plugs, high voltage lines, etc. If parts are wet, you can dry them before starting work. If engine parts hidden in cover get wet, you can only find a professional car service company like Chechefa to service it.

2. Check vulnerable parts of car, such as spark plugs. If spark plug is damaged, it can only be replaced with a new one.

3. Check car start energy storage: Now all cars are started by starter, and battery is core of this method. Automotive lighting, wipers, audio, etc. It consumes battery power, resulting in insufficient battery voltage. If voltage is problem, try towing car and shifting into second gear. When you depress clutch, when you reach a certain speed, release clutch and try to start engine. If it still won't start, battery is bad.

The engine stalls when car changes gears.

1. Make sure that there are no errors in work of shift. Indeed, in process of car maintenance, driver’s spirit will be in suspense, so first of all, make sure that your shift is working correctly.

2. Check vehicle idle. If idle speed is unstable, high and low frequencies will also affect gear shifting, so idle speed should be adjusted to normal speed. Don't forget to tighten idle shut-off valve and connect it.

3. Check oil separator. If idle speed is within normal range and stable or gear is disengaged, it is recommended to have a professional service station clean gas-oil separator.

The reasons for next three situations are more complex, so I won't present them here because you won't be able to solve them on your own. What you can do is to make strong decisions in face of this situation and find a professional repair station for your vehicle as soon as possible. These three situations include:

1. When car is driving at high speed, steering wheel feels unstable, shakes its head, and even shakes steering wheel.

2. The car turns very badly.

3. Check deflection while driving. Generally, when driving, first turn steering wheel straight and then release steering wheel.the steering wheel to see if car is moving in a straight line. If it doesn't go in a straight line, it's a deviation.