What parts does a car consist of and what are their functions?

What parts does a car consist of and what are their functions? The structure of a car is very complex and consists of about 16,000 parts. It includes steel, oil, chemical, electronics, textile, rubber and many other industries, and represents industrial level of country.

At present, there are many types of vehicles with different purposes and designs, but overall design is mainly composed of four main parts: engine, chassis, body and electrical equipment

What parts does a car consist of and what are their functions?

(1) Engine:

The function of a car's propulsion system is to burn fuel in a cylinder to generate a large amount of thermal energy, push piston down and start crankshaft and connecting rod mechanism. A flywheel at rear end of crankshaft transmits power to chassis transmission system to drive vehicle.

(2) Chassis:

It is used to support bodywork and transfer power from engine to drive wheels, which is necessary for normal operation of car.

What parts does a car consist of and what are their functions?

(3) Text:

The place where driver works is also place where passengers are transported or goods are loaded. An ordinary car consists of a front end, a body and a tail end, a truck includes a front end, a cabin and a coupe (a passenger car has only a front end and a coupe), and a passenger car usually has only one overall body.

(4) Electrical equipment:

It consists of a power source, an engine start system, an ignition system (gasoline engine), car headlights, signals, and instruments. All electricity used in car is provided by generator and battery.

What parts does a car consist of and what are their functions?

The above is an introduction to vehicle, do you understand that? I hope my exchange can solve your problems.